Overcoming Chronic Pain with StemWave


Chronic pain has become more common over the last few decades, both mentally and physically. The CDC reports that studies have shown chronic pain ranges from 11-40% of the population, with the most recent survey in 2016 reporting 20.4% of adults suffering from chronic pain. 

Not only does chronic pain cause just that, pain, but it also significantly affects the economy. Chronic pain contributes to high, damaging healthcare costs and low productivity in chronic pain employees. Data analysis shows that the total cost of chronic pain in the United States ranges from $560-635 billion annually. 

Although the actual monetary amount is staggering, the cost and effect of pain can be much higher. Pain can contribute to the inability to work, decreased productivity, and higher rates of depression and suicide. 

Chronic pain usually starts from an illness or injury that has been solved and recovered but has left behind the ugly scar of pain. Patients often suffer conditions that create ongoing pain that has no ultimate solution. These conditions typically include the following:

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Back Pain

The idea of curing chronic pain is illustrious and pulls at the heartstrings of doctors treating patients who are consistently suffering. Therefore, remarkable new technologies are being invented, tweaked, and renewed to help those suffering. 

StemWave is known for assisting patients with illnesses and injuries ranging from diabetic wounds and sores to musculoskeletal injuries. 

StemWave has three different technologies known for increasing blood supply, modulating inflammation, activating stem cells, regenerating tissues, and, you guessed it…reducing chronic pain. 

Activating your body's natural healing process

The human body is fascinating. No wonder the body has its natural healing process for experiencing disease and illness. 

Children love getting a bandaid When they fall on the pavement and get a scratch. A bandaid is reassuring for children that their 'ouchie' will go away soon. However, as adults, we know it isn't the bandaid that cures the cuts, abrasions, and papercuts.

When an injury to a body part occurs, the circulatory system and immune system are the first to the scene, sending platelets and white blood cells to assess the situation and begin to repair. This doesn't only happen with cuts! It can happen with the microtears weightlifters get after a hard workout when your back pain flares up, and even with more disastrous consequences that can send you to the hospital. Your body gets to work fast, just for you!

The natural healing process in the body is essential to the well-being of every being on this planet. Without our healing process, we may not have made it from the caveman stage of development. However, other morbidities, i.e., diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, can slow down and prevent proper healing.

This is where technologies like StemWave step in to give a helping hand to the natural healing process. 

StemWave uses painless acoustic wave to initiate regeneration - a fancy word to summarize the natural healing process. The purposeful method in which the StemWave technology was designed allows it to penetrate the layers of skin and tissues to solicit a biological response to initiate regeneration. 

Health morbidities like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and many others can slow the body's response to injury and illness. Your body is getting burnt out because it is already working on overload! 

It is essential to introduce extra care to your body when this happens. That is why StemWave offers three different treatments to help with the various ailments that prevent your body from functioning at 100%. These include:

If you noticed that your body just isn't healing as it used to, or you have severe comorbidities, ask us how StemWave therapy could help you and your natural healing processes. 

Healing at the Cellular Level 

The natural healing process or regeneration involves multiple processes in the body simultaneously. It is overwhelming and fascinating to imagine the symphony of systems at work during an injury or illness.

The cellular level of healing may seem microscopic and unimaginable, but this is where the body is tested and determines whether or not your injury will be an acute or chronic problem. 

Efficient healing is essential to lowering the rate of injuries turning into chronic issues that can last years, if not the rest of your life. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the body's primary healing process. There are four stages to the healing process:

  1. Hemostasis or the reduction of blood flow: This stage lasts about two days after injury, where the body reduces the blood flow and releases clotting factors to seal the hole. 

  2. Inflammation lasting approximately seven days, the immune system pumps out phagocytic cells that release inflammatory free radicals called Reactive Oxygen Species. This is a lot of big words that mean the body is protecting itself from infection by cleaning out bacteria and preparing the area to regenerate. 

  3. Proliferation or regeneration of cells: The healing can take anywhere from four days to three weeks, depending on the injury. Inflammation decreases in this stage, and new tissues are produced from collagen proteins. 

  4. Remodeling: This last stage is where the body determines whether this injury will be acute (taking weeks to months to heal) or chronic (years to the end of time). The result depends on the strength of your natural healing process, severity, location, and treatment methods. 

Now that you understand the importance of healing and how hard your body is continually working to keep you in tip-top shape, it is your responsibility to help out your body. 

One fantastic and revolutionary technology that can assist the body with healing is called StemWave, which helps with the body's natural healing process at the cellular level. 

StemWave uses painless and non-invasive ShockWave to create biochemical reactions that stimulate biomolecules to activate cell signaling - like a jump start to a car's engine. These StemWave also contribute on the biological level by assisting in Angiogenesis, inflammatory modulation, and tissue regeneration. Interested in StemWave? Schedule an appointment today!

The Revolutionary Technology That Reduces Pain and Inflammation

Although technology in healthcare has been used since the early 20th century, there have been huge booms in technological advances for healthcare about every 20 years until 2000, when the technological advances just kept coming. 

In the 1960s, doctors started using scopes for endoscopy to look at the digestive system. The 1980s produced innovations like laser and robotic surgeries, and in 2004, shockwave was established. 

StemWave have found a way to use "...effective shock waves that initiate biological regeneration processes at the cellular level" [2]. 

StemWave technology was produced during the 1980s boom in healthcare technology. Initially, it was used to disintegrate kidney stones in Munich, Germany. Through many advancements and the Y2K healthcare technology boom, StemWave technology has become painless, non-invasive, and highly effective in treating various illnesses and injuries. 

StemWave, in particular, focuses on a few different healing factors, including:

Activating cell signals on the cellular level

Angiogenesis or increased new blood cell supply

Decreasing inflammation

Stimulation of tissue regeneration and healing

Reducing or eliminating chronic pain

Next Steps:

The great thing about modern revolutionary technologies is the vast improvements in technologies already considered groundbreaking in their time. StemWave offers effective, proven, and convenient advancements that will allow all patients to experience how better their bodies can feel with just a few treatments. 

A few examples of the new advancements include:

  • Faster wound healing than the standard of care 

  • Non-invasive

  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared

  • Fast and Easy to use - about 10-minute sessions once per week

  • Low cost

If StemWave care interests you, ask us if StemWave treatments could benefit you!

Science Sources:

"Softwave Technology." Softwave TRT, 2022. https://softwavetrt.com/about-softwave/ 

"Softwave Technology." Softwave TRT, 2022. https://softwavetrt.com/softwave-technology/ 

"Electrohydraulic ShockWave/StemWave/SoftWave Therapy: The Future of Modern Medicine." MTS, 1980. 

"Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018: 67(36);1001-1006

"Chronic Pain." John Hopkins Medicine, 2022. 

"Softwave Technology." Softwave TRT, 2022. https://softwavetrt.com/softwave-technology/ 

"Softwave Technology." Softwave TRT, 2022. https://softwavetrt.com/softwave-technology/ 

Leonard C, "The four phases of wound healing." VOHRA, 2020. https://cert.vohrawoundcare.com/the-four-stages-of-wound-healing-an-updated-overview-for-clinicians/

"Softwave Technology." Softwave TRT, 2022. https://softwavetrt.com/softwave-technology/ 


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